
CotW-Ch.4 Collisions,Candle...

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Curse of the Weasley Ficcy
Chapter 4- Collisions, Candle Wax, and Missing Boys
 Ditey took in the Nine and three quarters platform feeling a bit odd since this was the last time she would be taking the trip to Hogwarts. She casually watched the first years being frantic and nervous while keeping an eye on her cousin Esperanza so not to lose her in the crowd. Esperanza soon got scooped up by her plethora of friends. Once she knew her cousin was on the train looked around for her other cousin who had dispersed into the crowd, and growled inwardly not seeing him. She heard someone Dntly calling her name and snapped her head around in the general direction of the call. Just as she was about to go looking for the person the voice was right by her ear.
      “Oi! D! where are you?!” Ditey growled rubbing her ear softly as she turned to her right
      “I’m right here freckled dolts!” The twins looked down at her and grinned.
      “Sorry D, didn’t see you down there.” Ditey rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
      “What do you two want?” One of the wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
      “Well, glad you asked. Have you seen your cousin Felix?” Ditey shrugged off the twin’s arm from her shoulder and shook her head.
      “No George, I haven’t seen him since we got on the platform. It’s not like he’s a first year and I have to hold his hand; though I’ll kill him if he misses the train like two semesters ago.” George smile diffused.
      “Well I guess we best separate and search to find him so we can get a head start to Hogsmeade.” Ditey gave the twins a questioning look.
      “Hogsmeade? Wait a minute what are you up to?” The twin's faces regained their sly grins once more as they started walking away waving.
      “See you at school D.” Ditey shook her head and sighed, mumbling to herself.
      “I don’t want to know.” A voice chimed in behind her.
      “Don’t want to know what?” Ditey turned around seeing Krel.
      “The twins are up to something and Felix is helping them I assume.” Krel shook her head.
      “The school year hasn’t even started and they’re already at it.” Ditey shrugged and started for the train with Krel right behind her.
      “So Krel, it’s our last year. You ready for the NEWTs?” Ditey said looking over her shoulder. Krel sighed.
      “We are gonna be really stressed this year huh?” Before Ditey could answer all she heard was a crashing noise behind her. Turning around, she found Krel on the ground and a broad shouldered male with brown hair, red bangs, and maroon spectacles helping her up. Ditey went to walk over to Krel and the guy, only to have a bright yellow haired male step in her path.
      “Heya Iceberg…” Ditey narrowed her eyes at the spiky haired boy.
      “Bird brain, out of my way.” The guy grinned and shook his head.
      “Not till I get a hug.” Ditey rolled her eyes.
      “You will get nothing of the sort, now please move so I can go see if my friend is okay.” The guy grabs her in a hug then slips past her.
      “See you're still alive!” Ditey went to smack him but lost the chance when he hopped onto the train. She soon spots Krel standing alone a bit flushed in the face and rubbing her bum. She walks over to Krel, waving a hand in front of her face
      “You okay?” Krel merely nodded slightly.
      “Um… yeah… this isn’t a good sign I’m still getting hurt every time that mystery guy is around.” Ditey sniggered lightly.
      “Seems like a premonition of events to come, perhaps you’ll figure out who it is this year.” Krel snorted.
      “Yeah right… been 3 years now… you know how many scars and bumps I’ve gotten?” Ditey shook her head and patted her on the back.
      “Falling quite literally head over heels for the boy you don’t even know, how… romantic.” Krel growled lightly.
      “Oh stuff it.” They both walked to the train and started to look for an empty compartment, finally find one, and go in. Krel sat with a plop and sighed. Ditey sat across from her and stretched. Krel leaned forward and plucked something off Ditey’s shoulder a few moments later.
      “Why is there candle wax on your shirt?” Ditey looked at the white wax and shrugged.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t around any candles today  - that I know of.” The two looked at it then shrugged, as Krel tossed it to the ground.
      "Probably got bit from one of the pubs.” Krel said lazily. Ditey yawned and nodded.
      “Mmmm yeah…”
Curse of the Weasleys
Chapter 4 - Collisions, Candle Wax, and Missing Boys

Heading to Hogwarts can be quite the adventure

Previous Chapter: [link]

First Chapter: [link]
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